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Philips for the families of students universal access to energy-saving lamps

Energy-saving lamps how to popularize and promote? Philips Lighting has chosen a unique way - energy saving lamps, presented to the students' families to allow them to do it yourself replace incandescent bulbs at home. Recently, the 52,000 students in 36 schools in Beijing Shijingshan District Experimental Primary School, octagonal North Road Primary School to get the gift of energy-saving lamps by Philips Lighting, and more than 50,000 families have felt the energy-saving lamps lighting charm.

It is reported that the event is initiated in 2011 Philips action Green continuation of the "energy-saving promotion activities. This energy-saving promotion is based on Beijing on the Beijing out of the ordinary incandescent lighting plan of action ", so that more public action, high energy consumption of incandescent energy saving lamps. Philips Lighting, senior marketing director, said Yu Yong-tao, 2012, Philips will increase the intensity of the dissemination and popularization of energy-efficient lighting and low-carbon life, so that more people start from their own side to start, so that more families have become advocates of environmental protection, practitioners and beneficiaries. According to the plan, to the families of students presented the action of energy-saving lamps will be carried out within the wider scope, covering a total capital of 300 000 students family. Chinese Commercial News reporter Wu Houbin
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